Having a your wedding during the holidays is a great idea. Just be prepared there are going to be some guests who may not join you because of standing plans or the higher expense of travel. Here are a few ideas for planning a wedding around a holiday.
First it doesn't matter what holiday, we are in the most festive holiday season of Halloween into Thanksgiving then Christmas. However if you have always wanted a 4th of July themed Wedding of Red, White and Blue go for it.
A few things to keep in mind and if you haven't figured it out by now I do tend to disagree with some planners. I love traditions but I do like knocking them off kilter a little.
Add Extra festive activities to your wedding weekend around the theme of the holiday. Halloween is almost here so if you are planning a Till Death do You part theme. Allow the guests to bring their children and have a separate costume party for the kids. A few child caregivers, a child friendly Halloween movie and the adults get to party away. We know kids love wearing their costumes as much as possible.
Let's say you chose Christmas, most planners and even your family will say just do subtle touches of the holiday. I disagree, there a reason you chose the December date near the holiday probably because you wanted the festive theme to be a part of it. GO FOR IT. Maybe stay away from plastic Santa's but have the Winter Wonderland, Red, Green, Gold that you want.
Don't be offended when guests tell you they can not attend do to family obligations. Many people standing holiday plans, visiting the family cabin, a standing family reunion etc. So your wedding date around a holiday could conflict. Accept it gracefully and move on.
Holidays can be expensive for travel so try to find affordable hotel room blocks and several price points so your guests have options.
Provide ample notice so that guests can make plans. Send out Save the Dates at least a year in advance. Email, Snail Mail or Carrier Pigeon just send it!
